Crystal Healing

What is Crystal Healing?


Crystal therapy is an ancient healing system concerned with treating patients holistically through the precise placement of crystals on the body and the surrounding room in a grid-like pattern, using crystal grids for healing dates right back to the time of Atlantis. It is based on the premise that crystals can, through their electromagnetic field, communicate with and connect with the energies flowing around the human body. On a microscopic level, a crystal is a network of repeating geometric patterns made up of compressed ions, atoms and molecules, they are alive. According to crystal therapy, every crystal has its own unique electromagnetic charge. These charges or “healing vibrations” interact with the body’s energy centers to remove “blockages” and restore a healthy flow through the body, mind and energy field.

It is a non-invasive, relaxing, natural and enjoyable process. Whether you believe in the physical healing properties of crystals or not, the therapy itself will offer you a chance to lie back, relax and you are going to leave feeling refreshed, restored and de-stressed – a perfect platform for improved physical health. Crystal healing involves placing crystals on different parts of your body or even in your homes and dwellings. The objective of crystal healing is the realignment of your energy frequencies and removal of energy blocks from your energy field.

The Crystalline Energy and indeed the entire Mineral Kingdom relates to Humanity through both physical and etheric means. It has always been so. The mineralogical crystalline essence is essentially the root-resonance of the same creative force that formed the Cosmos, we and they are carbon-based. As such the realms of the Crystalline Minerals and Humanity are intricately related, such that one is never out of contact or subtle communication with the other. Your physical Human bodies contain crystalline particles and a rich array of minerals that are uniquely relative to the Earth, if you reflect, the human body is 70% water and water itself has a crystalline structure (think snowflakes). Accordingly, the harmonic ratios of minerals and crystalline particulate that are in both your physical and etheric bodies are maintained in coherent uniformity with those of the Earth. Thus, the resulting frequential ratios of Earth and Humanity are held in a requisite balance for the wellbeing and support of Humanity individually and in mass through the crystal elements.

Benefits of Crystal healing

There is no doubt that crystal healing inevitably does have immense benefits.

  1. Crystal healing restores the flow and balance energy in the body and mind.
  2. By restoring the energy balance in our body and life, Crystal healing releases the imbalances or blockages in our body, mind, and life.
  3. Crystal healing cleanses our energy body i.e. our aura and it balances all our energy centers i.e. chakras.
  4. By balancing the energy body and removing energy blocks, crystal healing helps in healing all kinds of issues and problems in life like chronic pains and illnesses, trauma, stress, anxiety, tension, depression and more. It also helps in healing various emotional and psycho-spiritual issues.
  5. Crystal healing helps in enhancing mental clarity and focus, concentration, and memory. It also helps in enhanced awareness of the self and mindfulness. Overall, crystal healing helps in deep relaxation at all levels.
  6. Crystal healing can help enhance, improve and enrich our relationships
  7. Healing with crystals is also highly helpful in manifesting goals – short term as well as long term goals in life.
  8. Crystal healing also helps in career, work, business, and finances.
  9. Crystal healing helps establish and strengthen our connection with the higher consciousness. Crystals help channel the divine universal life force energy.
  10. It helps generate and maintain an enhanced sense of well-being and positivity in all aspects of your life – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


Schedule your session today!


The Energy Unblocker

This layout clears awareness and releases blocked energy. It is useful when you are feeling unsettled for no apparent reason. With the release of stress, sensations may seem to increase before they subside.

Body and Mind Balancer

This layout provides a good everyday balance and restores a natural flow of energy.

Chakra Balancer

This procedure can be used to recharge and balance the body’s energy centers (the chakras).

Total Body Work – Seal of Solomon

This healing works on activating the energy field around the body which is sometimes called the Merkabah, it is a vibrational field around the body that used to spin but for many lies dormant, it has the power once active, to protect the physical body, raise the psyche, and much, much more!

Total Body Work – Infinity

This crystal healing revives sluggish energies when we feel agitated, it can be localized to any area of the body that needs supporting to come back into health.

Mind Procedure – Stress Buster

Any experience that affects us on an emotional level is held within the body, stress is particularly bad for this. The stress hormone, cortisol, is public health enemy number one. Scientists have known for years that elevated cortisol levels: interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease… The list goes on and on.

Mind Procedure – Spirit Lifter

The spirit lifter crystal healing can be used to give you a “feel-good factor” boost, especially if you have been feeling a bit down in the dumps.

Mind Procedure – Reconnector

If you or you are feeling disconnected from the world around you and/or your spiritual self, then use this grid to re-engage that connection.


What to expect after a session?


I advise my clients to drink a lot of alkaline water after any type of energy healing. After healing, you may feel ‘altered’, feel the release of mild symptomatic pain, undergo a subtle identity shift, or even have long-standing issues resolve themselves. You may also feel spiritual intervention in your life, giving you the faith to let go of old patterning, defense mechanisms, and the need for control. As you integrate the healing you can feel refreshed, rejuvenated and reborn. Passion and potential surfaces as you embody new aspects of self.
After the healing, we will talk through what came up during the healing in the form of spiritual counseling to support you to move forward in your life.

It may happen that you feel tired over the coming 24 hours, but tiredness should lift after then and you should start feeling more alive and reenergized.


Note: Crystal healing and other types of energy work are not to be considered as a substitute for traditional medical treatment. Any information that may be found anywhere on this site does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. In the event you use any of the information in this site for yourself, the publisher accepts no responsibility for your actions.