
Before Valentine’s Day, on February 9th, we organized an event specifically to offer our clients to experience self-love. People had a chance to try the ThetaHealing session and see how they could benefit from it. It was my first more significant event, so I was so excited to meet all these people. Every session was so unique and extraordinary, and while I encouraged them to remove what was limiting them, they helped me learn and grow as a healer. This event inspired me to share a couple of words on self-love. Many people struggle with SELF-Love. The cause of this is very individual. Many of us can thank our parents for this. It’s not like they did it on purpose, but like my friend said, a whole study can be based just on what our parents did wrong. (sorry, mom and dad, nothing personal).

I find it interesting that we all talk about it, but how much do we know. What is self-love?


Dictionary result for self-love

/ˈˌself ˈləv/noun

  1. regard for one’s well-being and happiness (chiefly considered as a desirable rather than narcissistic characteristic).

Many believe that having self-love would be doing something we enjoy without feeling guilty for that. In Theta Healing, this is one of the beliefs we test first. We use a muscle test for that. It is astonishing when people believe they love themselves, but deep inside, they barely know what it means. For the previous two weeks, I challenged all of my clients for this belief. Some of the beliefs that were behind not having self-love are the fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear that came from religion, or not being taught to love themselves when they were kids, and so on. If you resonate with any of this, and there are many more, trust me that you can change that.

We change so we can please other people. We change so we can be somebody they like. Not only do we change things we do, but we change who we are. Once you start pleasing other people, it’s so easy to lose your true authentic self. “I want everyone to know that challenging the status quo and stepping away from stress and exhaustion is easy and that taking control of your own life is not only achievable but can be loads of fun! It’s all about asking yourself the question, ‘What makes me happy?’, says Bronwen Sciortino.

You cannot copy happiness from an article or a book, but you might learn some tools to help you find it within yourself.

One of my clients was criticizing herself all the time. She couldn’t see that it was coming from her mom. She did that to her because she was brought up like that. It was a repeated pattern in her family throughout generations, but she had a chance to stop that. And she did.

My advice for you today is not to judge yourself based on your past mistakes. Instead, use them to learn more about your needs and who you are. Don’t wait to accomplish something to love yourself. You don’t need a new job or new clothes. You don’t need to “lose” some weight to love yourself. You start doing that. If some beliefs stop you from doing that, there are so many tools that can help you remove them.

Do you remember when your boyfriend cheated on you? Do you remember when you lost a job? Do you know that at that moment you had a chance to choose love instead of anger? It is absolutely the same, choosing love or anger – you have free will to make that choice. Don’t be afraid to stay alone. Use that time to explore who you are and to do things you love.

There is so much love in every person, and you need to unlock it and let it lead you.

“Self-love is the greatest middle finger of all time.”

— Unknown


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