
Inner chaos

Let me tell you something, every person walking on this planet has its chaos inside.
Do you think a friend you admire doesn’t have chaos inside? She does. He does. It might be different than yours, but it’s still chaos. Do you think yours is the worst? It’s not. It feels the worst ever, but with every chaos, you are experiencing right now, chances that somebody already experienced it are humongous. Yes, it still hurts. It still is painful. And you know what else? It still is the worst because it’s yours.
It is the worst, and it’s not.
Whatever you are experiencing right now is just a product of years and years of suppressed chaos. You were building it brick by brick, and probably not intentionally. Another thing you should know is it was made by generations before you also. It took thousands of ancestors for you to be here now and who knows how many struggles, battles, losses, and pain. What you have probably realized by now is you cannot ignore it. It’s part of you. For example, if you cut yourself and you are bleeding so bad, can you ignore that? Of course not. It is the same if you are bleeding from the inside.
You might wonder now what if you cannot face it at the moment. That is also alright. The whole point is not to ignore it. Give it some love. Chaos also needs love. Ignoring it might add up to some more rage or fear. Like, ugh, I don’t want to go there; it is so painful I cannot f* stand it. The emotion you have experienced right there is fear. That fear went into your circle of chaos. So what can you do about it?
Go to your chaos. Feel it. Breath in it. Acknowledge it. Observe it. If you feel better, write about it.
Inner chaos brings feelings like everything is falling apart. One colossal step we are constantly missing out on is the foundation in our lives. What was your life built on for years?
Here is one example.
You realized you want to change something in your life, so you start reading books on manifestation, follow different life coaches, and apply everything they have been suggesting, but things are still the same. The first thing to consider changing is your beliefs—they are the first and the essential step in changing your life. They are the foundation your life was built on. Sometimes we need somebody to guide us in finding those beliefs, and this is normal. Don’t give up.
Working with my client recently, we have received this beautiful exercise to change things from the beginning. He agreed we should share it with everyone interested in improving their lives, so here it is. It is effortless, and it doesn’t require much time. Start by drawing 30 steps.morning rutine

  1. Every day after you wake up, go to your drawing, and on the side of the step, write a positive statement about yourself.
  2. Before going to sleep, write a positive statement or something amazing that has happened during the day. This goes on the top of the step.

This will trigger your mind to focus on creating a better life and better everyday experience. If you have any questions during this exercise, you can contact me, and I would be happy to guide you.
I want to end this post by reminding you who you are and how beautiful you are. Next time you meditate, after you ground yourself and feel calm and fully present in your body, go into the light, that beautiful light that created us. Sit with it. Remember that you are part of it. If you cannot visualize, give your mind intention, and your mind will know what to do with it.

Have a blessed day!

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