Anxiety from my angle

I am excited to write about this subject because anxiety is something I have been struggling with for a long time.

When you struggle with something for a long time, it forces you to think about what to do with it. But for me, medication was not even an option. Medication for anxiety can be harmful and addictive. Every time you take a medication, your body compensates it for that chemical’s presence within your body, your system. Within time your brain gets a signal that it should stop producing that chemical. When you try to get off that medication, you will find it very difficult on your body.

What exactly is a panic attack?

Clinically speaking, a panic attack is an intense fear that results in a surge of adrenaline in our bodies. Adrenaline is a naturally occurring hormone that is released by the adrenal gland. It is perfectly normal to have this adrenaline surge, and it is perfectly natural, and here is the crucial point, it is perfectly safe. We may get an adrenaline rush in different situations like when experiencing fear, stress, or when doing something physically demanding or exciting. Adrenaline is necessary for certain conditions but to be in this state of “fight or flight” consistently or too often is what we want to avoid.

When you wake up and feel down, what do you choose to do? Do you go back to bed, take a pill and cry over your destiny?

Do you feel like you have been cursed?

When you see your friends living free, do you feel sorry for yourself?

Do you hate them for that or think how their life is easier?

I used to be that person. I believed that there was no help for what I was going through. I felt like I had to act like everything was ok because I was scared to talk about my situation. I thought people would reject me. Also, I believed whatever they were going through was much easier than my case. Do you see yourself in this situation, too? If yes, then you should know that you have a choice and, in this situation, I chose to live free. But let me say that it is not always easy as some may think. It can be challenging but certainly possible. I would lie if I said I am completely out of the anxiety. The difference is that now we are at peace. It does not scare me anymore. It makes me think of what to change, how to be a better person, and how to be one step in front of it.

I had moments when I hated everything and thought everything was useless, and I have to accept and live with it. Wrong! It is important to know that the only fear we have to fear is fear itself. Nothing can be more destructive than giving the power to fear. A major aspect of anxiety is the tendency to develop a fear of fear. In other words, they become afraid when having feelings that we attribute to worry or fear, no matter the reason. In this case, not only do we try avoiding the fearful situation that has started these feelings in the first place, but the sense of fear also becomes something we want to try to avoid. This is the basis of anxiety and panic attacks – the fear of fear.

My first step in healing was to become aware of my negative thoughts, to identify my negative beliefs and negative patterns, and I accomplished this through ThetaHealing® sessions. Instead of being a victim of your thoughts, observe them and change them. With every session, it was becoming easier. Eventually, my panic attacks stopped happening, and I understood the anxiety more. I stopped whining over “problems” and was able to look for positive outcomes and solutions.

On the other side, have you ever heard it is normal to feel anxious? We choose the intensity of that anxiety. Would you ever study stress if it didn’t happen to you? So how would you know it’s normal to feel anxious? You wouldn’t. That’s why I understand you completely, but I ask you to trust me that it is possible to feel better. You deserve to live the life you are meant to live.


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